About Us

Swayambhar - A Non Government Organization.

Swayambhar, was registered in 1982 under West Bengal Societies' Registration Act1961. Today, Swayambhar is thirty six -year old organization.

But, Swayambhar is not a typical NGO that today's society is used to seeing. Ideally, the mainstay of Swayambhar is a house of own bread and butter generation Society for their own men and women. The concept with which this small social action unit was created was based totally on self-reliance ie 'swanirbharata.' To help people to help themselves is the main motto behind creation of Swayambhar. Joblessness is a chronic disease of Bengali unemployed community, suffering for so many decades. The average Bengali jobless youth does not have the knack or perseverance for building up a healthy business to break his/her shackles of unemployment. Through thirty six years of hard struggle and motivation, Swayambhar has reasons to feel happy to have become an enterprise - totally run by some forty four men and women, more than 90% of them started their career with Swayambhar as 'un-employed youths.'

The Managing Committee of Swayambhar have always played a very active role in formation and growth of Swayambhar through physical participation. The Managing Committee is meeting once or more in a month to review the work and the future progress of the Society.

Initially, six to eight different units for production / sales & marketing or services were started. But eventually, the management realized that, it was becoming a bit difficult to run such a multi-unit organization with no capital base and or inter-relation between the diverse enterprises.

The experimentation, therefore, took a little turn and focussed all efforts to the better-established work with schools. Right at the outset, Swayambhar got the blessings of a few school of good reputation. It supplied the school children's annual requirement of text books, exercise books and stationeries. Initially, this was purely a trading business. After that Swayambhar built up a full fledged production unit of exercise books, and also started all type of printing with the offset machine, computer generated printing machine, digital scanner cum printer and also silk screen printing which help us to produce very good quality exercise books and other school stationery to meet the requirement of more than 130 schools in an around the city as per their prescribed specification and quantity required by them.

Today, Swayambhar is the official supplier of text books and exercise books, stationeries, printing-jobs and everything that a school needs, catering to a large number of reputed schools of Kolkata. Out of these schools Swayambhar has been supplying for more than 30 years. Apart from meeting their requirements of the schools Swayambhar is also utilising their spare capacity of making exercise books and printing jobs for others - traders and suppliers as well.

Our printing unit is producing school question paper, magazine, diaries and quality post-printing jobs for quite a number of schools / organizations, with the necessary proof reading and art work.

The Swayambhar team has developed the required expertise for handling all tax matters and other statutory obligation that any righteous business ought to take care of.

Although, there is hierarchy of senior and junior workers but the whole team in Swayambhar works in the spirit, zeal and motivation of a co-operative. There is no shareholder, no profit sharers, and no proprietor. The whole society is run up by the Managing Committee with the active Director, who is appointed by the Managing Committee. He looks into the major functioning of all the activities under the direct supervision of the Managing Committee. All the statutory obligations are taken care of by the Director under the guidance of the Managing Committee.

Swayambhar has started the school oriented other services like supply of school dresses, blazers, socks, and runs an efficient and disciplined school bus service engaging one driver, helper and also one lady attendant (aaya masi) per bus.